Friday, March 29, 2013

The Quick and the Dirty: Training Log

Training log week 3/25-3/29

You would think it would be a simple thing to post my training log on a regular basis but apparently for me it’s not.  So this is going to be quick and dirty a recap of my 3 days of training for the past week.
This week started a new 4 week training cycle. 

As I mentioned the other day last week was a de-load week and I tell you it felt great to get back in and just go hard and heavy.
So without further ado, here it is:


  • A1: broad jump against bands 3x5
  • A2: Med Ball Slams 3x5
Primary movement: rest 3 minutes between sets
  • B1: Front Squat: 5x3 80lbs
  • B2: Yoga Plex: mobility move: working on mobility between sets of heavy lifting is a great use of that 3 minute rest period

Secondary Movements:
  • C1 1 leg 1 db RDL (Romanian deadlift): 4x6 35lbs
  • C2: ½ kneeling pallof isometric hold: 4x30sec hold 20lbs
  • These are done on the cable machine and it really works core stability and anti-rotation
  • C3: Goblet Squat: Mike’s special KING TUT 4x6 30lbs

3 second eccentric; pause
Half rep up; pause
Back down; pause
Explode up

These are a killer, if you can walk afterwards, you didn't do them right.


  • ·         A1: Med ball Hip through 3x3
  • ·         A2: Med ball push press 3x3


Primary movement: rest 3 minutes between sets
  • ·         B1 Bench Press: 5x3 Set 1: 70lbs, Set 2: 75lbs, set 3: 70lbs sets 4 &5 75lbs

My bench sucks, like really sucks so my strategy was to alternate between a lighter and heavier weight.
  • ·         B2: In pushup position, scapular retraction 3x5

Secondary Movements:

  • ·         C1: Eccentric Pullups: 4x3
  • ·         C2: 3 point row: 3x12 25lbs, 1x20 20lbs
  • ·         C3: ½ kneeling Resistance band bull apart 4x8


  • ·         A1: 1 leg box jumps 3x3
  • ·         A2: Med Ball Slams 3x5
Primary Movement: 3 minute rest between sets

  • B1: Deadlifts: 5x3 : sets 1-3 135lbs, set 4 140lbs Set 5 135
It’s been about 5 or 6 weeks since I pulled 135lbs.  For those of you who don’t know, being able to pull 135lbs means that big 45lbs plates are on the bar.  When last I pulled 135 I could only pull singles:  1 rep wait about 20 seconds or so pull again.

Today I was doing a true set of 3 reps. Pull, quick reset, pull, quick reset.  It felt great. 
  • B2: Supine no money drill: shoulder stability

Secondary Movement:
  • C1: ½ kneeling Landmine press:  4x6 45lbs
  • C2: Kettle Bell Swing: 4x15 25lbs
Mike had me send a video of my KB swing, which he reviewed and sent back with coaching tips. As good as I thought my kb swing was, it wasn’t so good.  I am working on a post about KB swings, but for now I’m working on “re-learning” how to swing properly.
  • C3: Goblet Farmers Walk: 4x1 30 yards? 40lbs
  • Goblet:  refers to the way the DB is held. In front of you, close to the chest length wise. Like you are holding a goblet

Reflections on eating for strength.

So I can’t even begin to tell you exactly what I ate this week.  BUT I will say this, eating for strength as opposed to eating for weight loss or fat loss is sooooo much better.

First, I’m not obsessing about what I’m eating.  Basically, I make sure I get adequate amounts of protein at each meal, then I make sure I’m eating either vegetables or fruit at each meal and that I’m drinking enough water and getting healthy fats.

I’m actually eating a lot of red meat, it’s just what my body is asking for and I haven’t really been eating a lot of chicken or fish.

Breakfast is either left -overs from the night before OR a smoothie consisting of just frozen berries and protein powder.

I eat when I’m hungry and I don’t eat when I’m not.  Because I’m not always thinking about what I’m not eating, I find I don’t have as many cravings.  However, if I do decide to eat something not optimal like chocolate or pizza I don’t stress about it.

The most important thing is I’m not stressing about food, I’m getting stronger, I’m feeling stronger and more solid and I’m starting to notice positive body composition changes.

Though, I have to go buy a new bathing suit this weekend, we’ll see how I feel on Monday after suit shopping.

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