Wednesday, January 16, 2013

So Excited I can't Stand It

In the Trenches
So exciting, I can’t stand it.
This past Friday, I met with John Bauer, co-owner/founder of the The Foodery.

The Foodery is a meal deliver service that focuses on cooking and delivering high quality prepared meals, using organic, pesticide, and hormone free ingredients sourced from local and sustainable sources.

 After reviewing their website and blog as well as meeting with John face to face, I know that The Foodery will be an excellent solution for some of you who struggle with finding good nutritious meals that are also convenient.

As they have generously offered to send me a sample meal bundle, which I will receive Sunday evening, I am holding off on a full and detailed review.  But in the meantime, I wanted to whet your appetite, pun intended, and get the word out there about this awesome company.

Sitting Is the Smoking of Our Generation

Many of you have heard me say on the training floor, “we spend so much time sitting. We sit in our cars on the way to work, then we sit hunched over a desk all day, back in our cars, eat dinner sitting, and watch TV sitting then bed. That is why we try to have you do as many exercises as we can standing.”

In fact, I was just talking with Jess, the Manager of Brookline Village, how I walked by one of our competitors who shall be nameless and noticed that all the exercises were being done seated.  Seriously, not only is it not optimal, I won’t say not effective because even seated exercise is better than no exercise, but I’m thinking B-O-R-I-N-G.  After sitting all day, I want to get up, move around get the blood flowing.

Now granted there are some people that have certain physical limitations and can’t stand.  I’m not talking about them.  I’m talking about seemingly healthy individuals spending 80-90% of their waking day sitting.

That being said, I’d like to share an article Sitting Is the Smoking of Our Generation: Nilofer Merchant.

I have to be honest, I stole it from TonyGentilcore, who is not only one of the most awesome strength and conditioning coaches out there, but he is one of the nicest guys you will ever meet.  Tony stole it from someone else. I’m not sure what the etiquette is in terms of how far back do you need to go to credit someone.  If anyone knows, please feel free to pass on the info.

The gist of the article is that we as a culture have become so accustomed to spending the majority of our day seated that it doesn’t even strike us that it’s something to be concerned about, much like smoking was back in the day.  The author, Nilofer Merchant goes on to discuss the extend that sitting has had on our health and how he has implemented a strategy to help him get more activity into his life.

It’s a well thought out and enlightening read.  I hope you all take the opportunity to read it.

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